Category Archives for "Injury Management"

Recognising Sensations in your Body

Our body is constantly giving us information about the things that are happening within it. Often our brain as interprets that information as pain. Musculoskeletal pain can be sharp, aching, dull, stabbing, pinching, unrelenting… so how do you know when to seek professional help and when is it something that may just need time to settle?

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Winter is Coming…

Well it looks like Winter is well and truely on the way! Our bodies always feel different during the winter. Theses cooler mornings bring on feelings of stiffness, muscle tightness, aching through arthritic joints and old fractures and pain around joint replacements. It can also be more difficult to get motivated to keep moving during winter when the days are shorter and colder. However it is just as important as ever to keep active and not allow those aches and pains to get the better of you.

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Is your body scared of movement?

Movement is necessary

Movement is necessary in life. Our bodies move in amazing and wonderful ways, we have capabilities that we are generally unaware of and can push ourselves to achieve (within reason) anything we want to do. But why are so many people scared of getting their bodies moving – especially after long periods of inactivity or injury?

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Low back pain

If you have ever had low back pain, you are not alone. Up to 80% of Australians will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Most people experiencing acute back pain are of working age, and an equal number of women and men are affected. Pain can begin abruptly as a result of an accident or by lifting something heavy, or it can develop over time due to postural muscle imbalances or normal age related changes in the spine. The pain is usually related to the way the bones, discs, tendons, muscles and ligaments work together.

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