Technique & Flexibility

"Don't practice until you get it right, practice until you can't get it wrong"

Dancer: Erin Swanbury

Have you ever felt that no matter how much you stretch your flexibility doesn’t improve? The way in which we look at flexibility now is very different to the way we used to think about flexibility, even 5 years ago.

Flexibility is about more than just muscle tension. Flexibility is also affected by neural tension, fascial mobility and other factors like stress and growth. By looking all these different components we are able to identify the restrictions each individual dancer faces in their flexibility journey. Your ability to understand your own body is essential in achieving your ultimate flexibility.

Often in a class situation it is difficult to address individual technique issues. Our dance physiotherapist is able to help dancers improve their dance technique whether that is in relation to turnout, leg extensions, posture, pirouettes or allegro. Following a thorough assessment, dancers will receive an exercise program addressing their assessment findings to help them achieve their technique goals.

To book an appointment at either our Portarlington or Newtown clinic click the link below:
